Sunday, March 31, 2013

WebShape - Demonstration Portal

Vision Objects - Demonstration Portal:

Web Shape
Sketch lines, circles, rectangles and other shapes and get clean, vectorized shapes.

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Mission impossible: Design great-sounding, affordable speakers | The Audiophiliac - CNET News

Mission impossible: Design great-sounding, affordable speakers | The Audiophiliac - CNET News: Pioneer SP-C22 Andrew Jones Designed Center Channel Speaker: Electronics Pioneer SP-C22 Andrew Jones Designed Center Channel Speaker: Electronics:

Home audio buying guide | Home Audio - CNET Reviews

Home audio buying guide | Home Audio - CNET Reviews: John K. Hollenbeck's review of Logitech Wireless Speaker Adapter for Blue... John K. Hollenbeck's review of Logitech Wireless Speaker Adapter for Blue...:

I took the box apart(Voiding the Warranty) by removing the four screws under the padded feet. Inside is a steel plate on the bottom of the device to make the product feel heavier( No Function). I removed this steel plate that blocks the bluetooth signal, and put the device back together it took less than five minutes. This gained me about 8 feet of range. 

Last I flipped the device upside-down on my shelf and could get close to thirty feet away from the receiver before I was out of range. 

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

CRSNG – Programme d’appui aux ressources thématiques et collaboratives en mathématiques et en statistique

CRSNG – Programme d’appui aux ressources thématiques et collaboratives en mathématiques et en statistique: "Contribution de la ressource à la formation et au perfectionnement de personnel hautement qualifié :
L’importance de la ressource au regard de la formation, y compris les occasions de mentorat et de formation uniques qu’elle offre, et qui sont complémentaires à la formation offerte dans d’autres secteurs et en accroissent la valeur (universités et MITACS);"

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Innofibre -- Archives

Innofibre -- Archives: " M. Mario Parenteau, directeur du Centre spécialisé en pâtes et papiers (CSPP), M. Raymond-Robert Tremblay, directeur du Cégep de Trois-Rivières,  M. Simon Barnabé, titulaire de la Chaire de recherche industrielle en environnement et biotechnologie de la Fondation de l’UQTR (CRIEB), ainsi que Mme Lucie Guillemette, vice-rectrice aux études de cycles supérieurs et à la recherche de l’UQTR"

4 raisons pour avoir bâti la Maison des entrepreneurs du Québec (La MEQ) | Entrepreneur Internet

4 raisons pour avoir bâti la Maison des entrepreneurs du Québec (La MEQ) | Entrepreneur Internet: "RAISON D’ÊTRE DE LA MEQ                          

Nous désirons une économie québécoise forte, dès aujourd’hui et dans 25 ans, et ce, pour la qualité de vie des générations à venir. L’échiquier mondial se transforme, nous devons accroître l’entrepreneuriat et la création de valeurs par l’émergence d’entrepreneur et de projet entrepreneuriaux."

Accord de libre-échange Canada-UE - Virage vert obligé pour les entreprises québécoises | Le Devoir

Accord de libre-échange Canada-UE - Virage vert obligé pour les entreprises québécoises | Le Devoir: "L’Europe a déjà bien entamé le virage vert, et les entreprises qui profiteront de l’accord de libre-échange seront celles qui seront conformes à des normes environnementales plus élevées qu’au Canada. Ci-dessus, une éolienne conçue par Alstom pour les champs prévus au large de la France."

Canada Aims to Woo International Students -

Canada Aims to Woo International Students - "TORONTO — The number of college and university students studying internationally has grown more than fourfold since 1975 — and Canada wants a larger share of that market."

Give me your PhDs, your Skilled, your creatives.... | LinkedIn

Give me your PhDs, your Skilled, your creatives.... | LinkedIn: "Yesterday, the Washington Post reported on a new bipartisan Senate bill that would make it easier for highly-skilled foreign workers to come to the US – and for those who earn advanced degrees in STEM from U.S. institutions graduate students to get permanent legal status."

Monday, March 25, 2013

Can Innovation Be Automated? - Slashdot

Can Innovation Be Automated? - Slashdot:

"The Harvard Business Review blog has an invited piece about Innovation Software. Tony McCaffrey at the University of Massachusetts Amherst talks about several pieces of software designed to help engineers augment their innovation process and make them more creative, including one his group has developed called Analogy Finder. The software searches patent databases using natural language processing technology to find analogous solutions in other domains. According to Dr. McCaffrey 'nearly 90% of new solutions are really just adaptations from solutions that already exist — and they're often taken from fields outside the problem solver's expertise.'"


I'm surprised that the article doesn't mention TRIZ and ASIT, which are methodologies for innovation.
TRIZ was invented by Genrich Altshuller in 1946, and has been used by russian engineers to counter the american domination on technology. []
The history behind TRIZ is interesting, since Genrich Altshuller [] was working as a clerk in a patent office (like Einstein), and he noticed that the patents were using some patterns.
He started to categorize all patents to enumerate the used patterns, and he found 39 characteristics with 40 generic solutions.
The idea is that you want to solve a contradiction between 2 characteristics, the contradiction is called a "conflict".
A contradiction matrix of 39*40 cells has been built: []
Recently, the TRIZ group succeeded to verify that the matrix was able to map more than 3,000,000 patents.
TRIZ was kept as a secret before the Soviet Union exploded, then the russian engineers went to a lot of different countries.
In Israel, the TRIZ group started to simplify the methodology in a smaller set, called SIT.
Very recently, Roni Horowitz simplified SIT into ASIT, which is a set of 6 rules able to map innovation.
TRIZ explains that there are 5 levels of invention: []
and it's dedicated to the 4 first levels.
TRIZ is also more adapted to engineers that need a framework to solve problems, but it's not really creative in my opinion.

Friday, March 22, 2013

Where the Hell is Matt? 2012 - YouTube

Where the Hell is Matt? 2012 - YouTube

2013 Canadian Budget

2013 Canadian Budget

Provide $13 million over two years to the Mitacs Globalink Program to
attract highly promising students from around the world to Canadian
universities and to allow Canadian students to take advantage of training
opportunities abroad.

Economic Action Plan 2013 also proposes increased support for initiatives
to attract highly promising students from around the world to Canadian
universities and to allow Canadian students to take advantage of training
opportunities abroad through the Mitacs Globalink Program
(see Chapter 3.1 under ―International Education Strategy‖).

Budget changes SRED innovation technology R&D

Budget changes SRED innovation technology R&D:

Friday, March 8, 2013

Les appels à froid (cold calls) : comment les rendre plus productifs

Les appels à froid (cold calls) : comment les rendre plus productifs:

How to use university partnerships to augment innovation | Productive Conversations | Financial Post

How to use university partnerships to augment innovation | Productive Conversations | Financial Post:

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Pour éviter la catastrophe - Faire de l'éducation une obsession collective | Le Devoir

Pour éviter la catastrophe - Faire de l'éducation une obsession collective | Le Devoir:

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Pocket : Is Google Making Us Stupid?

Pocket : Is Google Making Us Stupid?:

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Amy Cuddy: Your body language shapes who you are - YouTube

Amy Cuddy: Your body language shapes who you are - YouTube:

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Façonnons la Politique Nationale de la Recherche et de l’Innovation (PNRI). Le 11 avril 2013 - Montréal | LinkedIn

Façonnons la Politique Nationale de la Recherche et de l’Innovation (PNRI). Le 11 avril 2013 - Montréal | LinkedIn:

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Backbone200 | The best of everything in Canadian tech | Backbone Magazine

Backbone200 | The best of everything in Canadian tech | Backbone Magazine:

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Thursday, March 7, 2013

Gaffe of the week: Chivas Brothers workers flush away tons of whisky | Daily Buzz - Yahoo! News Canada

Gaffe of the week: Chivas Brothers workers flush away tons of whisky | Daily Buzz - Yahoo! News Canada:

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Dévoilement d'une entente-cadre sur l'innovation

Dévoilement d'une entente-cadre sur l'innovation:

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Epidemiologist’s Gen-Y zest for science is catchy - The Globe and Mail

Epidemiologist’s Gen-Y zest for science is catchy - The Globe and Mail: "Jennifer Gardy"

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Let’s tie student debt to student risk - The Globe and Mail

Let’s tie student debt to student risk - The Globe and Mail:

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Preview of Canada's Next Federal Budget? | LinkedIn

Preview of Canada's Next Federal Budget? | LinkedIn

8 conseils pour augmenter le taux d'ouverture de vos e-mails | Webmarketing & co'm

8 conseils pour augmenter le taux d'ouverture de vos e-mails | Webmarketing & co'm:

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Pour éviter la catastrophe - Faire de l'éducation une obsession collective | Le Devoir

Pour éviter la catastrophe - Faire de l'éducation une obsession collective | Le Devoir:

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Pamela Meyer: How to spot a liar - YouTube

Pamela Meyer: How to spot a liar - YouTube:

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Repères RSTI - Publications - Détail / Improving University Technology Transfer and Commercialization - MFEQ

Repères RSTI - Publications - Détail / Improving University Technology Transfer and Commercialization - MFEQ:

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Repères RSTI - Publications - Détail / Improving University Technology Transfer and Commercialization - MFEQ

Repères RSTI - Publications - Détail / Improving University Technology Transfer and Commercialization - MFEQ

Learn the Art of Procrastination |

Learn the Art of Procrastination |

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8 Habits of Remarkably Successful People |

8 Habits of Remarkably Successful People |

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IDP - Une stratégie d’innovation : Pour quoi faire?

IDP - Une stratégie d’innovation : Pour quoi faire?:

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Repères RSTI - Publications - Détail / Growing Value: Business-University Collaboration for the 21st Century  - MFEQ

Repères RSTI - Publications - Détail / Growing Value: Business-University Collaboration for the 21st Century  - MFEQ:

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How to use university partnerships to augment innovation | Productive Conversations | Financial Post

How to use university partnerships to augment innovation | Productive Conversations | Financial Post:

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Les appels à froid (cold calls) : comment les rendre plus productifs

Les appels à froid (cold calls) : comment les rendre plus productifs:

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Plongez au coeur de Brossard Chinatown! | RIVE-SUD |

Plongez au coeur de Brossard Chinatown! | RIVE-SUD |

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Virage Gmail – et plus encore! à CBC/Radio-Canada | Votre CBC/Radio-Canada

Virage Gmail – et plus encore! à CBC/Radio-Canada | Votre CBC/Radio-Canada:

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«C'est une priorité à très court terme» - Stéphane Bédard, président du Conseil du trésor - archives |

«C'est une priorité à très court terme» - Stéphane Bédard, président du Conseil du trésor - archives |

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