Monday, April 24, 2017

Un «laboratoire vivant» qui veut influencer l'avenir de la médecine | Ariane Lacoursière | Santé

Un «laboratoire vivant» qui veut influencer l'avenir de la médecine | Ariane Lacoursière | Santé:

Un nouveau laboratoire en génie biomédical et technologies médicales, l'Institut TransMedTech, voit le jour au Centre hospitalier universitaire (CHU) Sainte-Justine. Selon son directeur exécutif et scientifique, le professeur Carl-Éric Aubin, l'Institut se veut un «laboratoire vivant» qui réunira des patients, des médecins, des ingénieurs, des chercheurs, des industriels et plusieurs spécialistes afin de «créer rapidement les prochaines générations de technologies médicales».

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Analyzing the spectrum of corporate innovation from R&D to VC | TechCrunch

Analyzing the spectrum of corporate innovation from R&D to VC | TechCrunch:

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Saturday, April 22, 2017

Shop confidently for Evergreen 6048-50 glasses online with

Shop confidently for Evergreen 6048-50 glasses online with

DualView BlueReflect™ progressives

DualView BlueReflect™ provides a wider corridor to optimize your intermediate and reading distances.
With this expanded corridor, wearers can maintain better posture and avoid neck strain.

BlueReflect™ Digital Protection

DualView BlueReflect™ Lenses use a special coating to reflect a portion of the blue light emitted by digital devices and artificial light. This coating also incorporates scratch resistant and anti-glare benefits, resulting in clearer vision while using digital devices.

Essential Information

These lenses should not be worn while driving. Instead, use your normal progressive glasses.
To order DualView, input the same prescription used for your everyday glasses, not a specialized computer prescription. We will perform the calculation for you.

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Analyzing the spectrum of corporate innovation from R&D to VC | TechCrunch

Thursday, April 13, 2017

Innovate for Maine program matches interns with growing Maine companies - UMaine News - University of Maine

Innovate for Maine program matches interns with growing Maine companies - UMaine News - University of Maine: "Innovate for Maine program matches interns with growing Maine companies

March 7, 2017
The University of Maine’s Foster Center for Student Innovation is seeking Maine companies to host interns from the Innovate for Maine Fellows program.

Innovate for Maine Fellows connects the best and brightest Maine college students with the state’s most exciting companies as a way to grow and create jobs in Maine through innovation and entrepreneurship. The program is looking for a variety of high-growth, for-profit companies with a focus on innovation.

Host companies can range in size from small startups to major corporations. Interns can work full time or part time during the summer, with the possibility of continuing part time during the academic year.

Emphasizing innovation and entrepreneurship, the program prepares students to collaborate with companies on innovation projects that accelerate company growth and provide paid, meaningful, hands-on internship experience. Innovation projects can include work on new products or services, process improvements or projects to scale company growth. Innovate for Maine interns are able to conduct market research, write marketing messages and innovation descriptions, assist with technical work and run “fail fast, fail cheap” experiments, such prototyping and sales forecasting.

“There are a number of Maine companies developing innovative products, services and systems that are eager for talented students who understand the innovation process,” said Renee Kelly, assistant vice president for innovation and economic development. “By matching students trained in a systematic approach to innovation with these companies, we hope to help the companies grow while helping Maine students see that there are great opportunities to work and stay in Maine after they graduate.”

Trained innovation experts guide and mentor both the fellow and the company for the duration of the project. The University of Maine handles all recruiting, screening, matching, hiring, and initial innovation and workplace training. As part of Maine Accelerates Growth (MxG), Innovate for Maine assists companies with matching funds, according to company size, to support the cost.

MxG is an initiative to create jobs and economic development in Maine through entrepreneurship and growth. It works with partners to create statewide programs with coordinated, focused activities to accelerate companies, connections and the next generation of Maine entrepreneurs.

“By handling all these administrative pieces, companies are able to easily engage an intern without having to worry about challenges that can sometimes accompany the hiring process,” said Angela McCue, Foster Center innovation outreach manager.

“Through the support of organizations like MxG, the program is able to offer invaluable support to smaller companies that would not be able to afford this assistance otherwise,” McCue says. “For the large companies that do not qualify for a subsidy, they also benefit by receiving a trained and vetted intern who is ready to dive in and tackle the tasks at hand. It’s really a win-win for everyone involved.”

The Innovate for Maine program received the Maine Development Foundation’s 2013 Champion of Attraction, Retention and Engagement Award for its work to attract and retain talent for Maine’s workforce.

The application deadline for companies is March 24; the application for interns is March 20.

For more information and applications for the Innovate for Maine program:

For more information about Maine Accelerates Growth:

Contact: Angela McCue, 207.581.1429"

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Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Canada Strategic Innovation Fund

Spotlight on the upcoming Strategic Innovation Fund
Posted on April 10, 2017
Many executives and entrepreneurs across Canada are seeking more information about the upcoming launch of a new $1.26B Strategic Innovation Fund, first announced by the federal government in its 2017 Budget. Keep reading to learn more about which industry sectors will be eligible and the types of projects it will support.
Quick Facts.
  • The new fund is set to invest $1.26B over a five-year period.
  • The fund will consolidate and simplify four existing business innovation programs: the Strategic Aerospace and Defence Initiative (SADI), the Technology Demonstration Program, the Automotive Innovation Fund and the Automotive Supplier Innovation Program.
  • Rather than solely being open to businesses in the advanced manufacturer sector, the fund will also be available to companies in other dynamic and emerging innovative sectors, such as cleantech and agri-food value-added processors.
  • According to the Budget, the new streamlined fund will feature a simpler application process, faster processing, and more responsive assistance from program administrators.
  • Funding will flow to projects that accelerate areas of economic strength, expand the role of Canadian businesses in regional and global supply chains, support economic strategies, attract new investments and create high-quality jobs for Canadians.
  • Budget 2017 also provided an additional $200M to support the fund’s expansion over its first three years: $50M will be invested in 2017-18; $100M in 2018-19; and $50M in 2019-20.
  • Of the $200M amount, half is new funding and the other half will be drawn from the $1B envelope for cleantech investments announced in Budget 2016.
  • More information about the fund will be released in the coming months.


Dashboard - Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada

Dashboard - Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada:

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