Tuesday, November 5, 2019

How we built our DIY Home Automation System - VueVille

Laws of Tech: Commoditize Your Complement - Gwern.net

Laws of Tech: Commoditize Your Complement - Gwern.net: A classic pattern in technology economics, identified by Joel Spolsky, is layers of the stack attempting to become monopolies while turning other layers into perfectly-competitive markets which are commoditized, in order to harvest most of the consumer surplus; discussion and examples.

Xiaomi and the future of IoT - The Startup - Medium

Xiaomi and the future of IoT - The Startup - Medium: Outside of China, Xiaomi is mostly known for manufacturing smartphones.
They started with affordable smartphones and tablets (mostly in the large-screen “niche” initially dominated by Android…

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

White Boho Tiny House - Affordable and Beautiful

Envoyé via cell! / Sent on the go!
jpvalois@aligo.ca | 514-575-0425

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Why do startups fail?

Why do startups fail?



Monday, October 7, 2019

US Supreme Court Snubs University of Wisconsin Appeal in Patent Fight With Apple - Slashdot

US Supreme Court Snubs University of Wisconsin Appeal in Patent Fight With Apple - Slashdot: The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday refused to hear a bid by the University of Wisconsin's patent licensing arm to reinstate its legal victory against Apple in a fight over computer processor technology that the school claimed the company used without permission in certain iPhones and iPads. From a rep...

Friday, October 4, 2019

Outposts: A Program to Help Scale-Ups Go Global - StartUp HERE Toronto

Outposts: A Program to Help Scale-Ups Go Global - StartUp HERE Toronto: The school of hard knocks is an efficient teacher. It’s an expensive one, too. Just ask Dave Caputo. The former CEO of Sandvine learned the painful way – the way most CEOs do – just how fraught the process is to stand up an international sales team when the time comes for a company to grow … Continue reading "Outposts: A Program to Help Scale-Ups Go Global"

Entrevestor Startup Data Shows Record Funding, Soaring Revenues | Entrevestor.com

Entrevestor Startup Data Shows Record Funding, Soaring Revenues | Entrevestor.com

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Don't Get Locked Up Into Avoiding Lock-in - Slashdot

Don't Get Locked Up Into Avoiding Lock-in - Slashdot: Gregor Hohpe: A significant share of architectural energy is spent on reducing or avoiding lock-in. That's a rather noble objective: architecture is meant to give us options and lock-in does the opposite. However, lock-in isn't a simple true-or-false matter: avoiding being locked into one aspect oft...

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Je vous invite à aller consulter l'article suivant : Quand Goliath a besoin de David (http://www.lesaffaires.com/blogues/federico-puebla/quand-goliath-a-besoin-de-david/612355) sur le site lesaffaires.com.
Bonne journée !

Le spectre de la «japonification» hante les pays industrialisés | LesAffaires.com

Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Lose the Leather: 11 Unique Wallet Materials (+Giveaway) | Cool Material

The history of intellectual property law — and why it could shape your future - ABC News

Disable remove Outlook quick access delete flag buttons icons

Disable Outlook Side Buttons


 Outlook buttons thumb

Are you frustrated with the new buttons that now appear in Outlook 2013 on the rights side if you have a touch screen? The buttons shown here are what I am referring to; Outlook had removed the delete button from view. Note: this blog was originally written for Outlook 2013 but this fix also works for Outlook 2016.

Well you are in luck. You can disable/enable them but it will disable the use of the touch screen in Outlook 2013 as well. Maybe they will fix that at some point.




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1. Go to File -> Options the Outlook Options window will appear. Then select the Quick Access Tool Bar option on the left side.

2. Make sure you have the Touch/Mouse Mode in the list to the right to make it available on the Ribbon. Then check the "Show Quick Access Toolbar below the Ribbon". Click Ok.Outlook Options

3. Now you see the new choices on the Ribbon.

Ribbon Choices

4. Click on the image of the Hand in the Ribbon. It is the 3rd icon from the left. Select the Mouse Option and buttons on the right side will go away.

5. You can change back to the Touch Option to get them back.

Need Business Consulting & IT Services? RKL eSolutions has a team that specializes in a variety of platforms, including Windows, Citrix, Linux, and Netware.

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Tagged With: Technology

Jean-Philippe Valois
Cell. : 514-575-0425

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Norman Siebrasse Blog - Sufficient Description

Norman Siebrasse Blog - Sufficient Description




Jean-Philippe Valois, M. Ing.

Directeur, Développement des affaires

Commercialisation des innnovations





Aligo Innovation, S.E.C.

355, rue Peel, bur. 503

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Should Universities Get Out of the Patent Business? | Centre for International Governance Innovation

Should Universities Get Out of the Patent Business? | Centre for International Governance Innovation

Jean-Philippe Valois
Cell. : 514-575-0425

Friday, July 5, 2019

Who is the Most reliable Web Host for 2019? We Tested 8 Providers

Who is the Most reliable Web Host for 2019? We Tested 8 Providers: We put Bluehost, Godaddy, Siteground and 5 other web hosts to the test. Measuring uptime and page speed, here's who we recommend you host your site with.

Monday, June 17, 2019

Le conseil oublié d'Einstein pour être heureux au travail! | LesAffaires.com

Le conseil oublié d'Einstein pour être heureux au travail! | LesAffaires.com



Thursday, June 13, 2019

Angel Activity Report

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jpvalois@aligo.ca | 514-575-0425

Monday, May 13, 2019

Ask Slashdot: How Would You Host Your Own Email Server? - Slashdot

Ask Slashdot: How Would You Host Your Own Email Server? - Slashdot: "It has become too easy to take Linux and FOSS for granted," warns a Linux Journal editorial by Doc Searls, complaining, for example, that today "We collaborate inside proprietary environments, such as Slack and Google Hangouts."
Long-time Slashdot reader whh3 wants to live differently -- and to mo...

Monday, April 29, 2019

Le gain en capital soulève bien des questions | Le Devoir

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jpvalois@aligo.ca | 514-575-0425

Mise au point d'un nouveau revêtement qui facilite le dégivrage | Sciences

Mise au point d'un nouveau revêtement qui facilite le dégivrage | Sciences: Un professeur de l'Université de la Colombie-Britannique a contribué à mettre au point un revêtement qui permettrait de dégivrer facilement les pare-brise, les ailes...

Thursday, April 11, 2019

Pay Attention: Practice Can Make Your Brain Better at Focusing - The Verge - Pocket

Pay Attention: Practice Can Make Your Brain Better at Focusing - The Verge - Pocket: Practicing paying attention can boost performance on a new task, and change the way the brain processes information, a new study says.

Fwd: Comprenez quelles dépenses d’entreprise vous pouvez déduire dans votre déclaration de revenus

Comprenez quelles dépenses d'entreprise vous pouvez déduire dans votre déclaration de revenus


Un guide simple pour comprendre les dépenses d'entreprise déductibles d'impôt


BDC En affaires

Un guide simple pour comprendre les dépenses d'entreprise déductibles d'impôt





C'est la saison des impôts. Avec tous vos reçus en main, c'est le temps de remplir votre déclaration de revenus. Lisez ce guide simple pour apprendre quelles dépenses d'entreprise vous pouvez déduire ou non. 


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Jean-Philippe Valois
Cell. : 514-575-0425

Friday, March 22, 2019

Getting Started - schema.org

Getting Started - schema.org: Schema.org is a set of extensible schemas that enables webmasters to embed
structured data on their web pages for use by search engines and other applications.

Monday, March 11, 2019

Friday, March 8, 2019

How does Ethereum work, anyway? – Preethi Kasireddy – Medium

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jpvalois@aligo.ca | 514-575-0425