Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Don't Get Locked Up Into Avoiding Lock-in - Slashdot

Don't Get Locked Up Into Avoiding Lock-in - Slashdot: Gregor Hohpe: A significant share of architectural energy is spent on reducing or avoiding lock-in. That's a rather noble objective: architecture is meant to give us options and lock-in does the opposite. However, lock-in isn't a simple true-or-false matter: avoiding being locked into one aspect oft...

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Je vous invite à aller consulter l'article suivant : Quand Goliath a besoin de David (http://www.lesaffaires.com/blogues/federico-puebla/quand-goliath-a-besoin-de-david/612355) sur le site lesaffaires.com.
Bonne journée !

Le spectre de la «japonification» hante les pays industrialisés | LesAffaires.com