Monday, June 1, 2015

Miao Song - Concordia

Affiliate Assistant Professor, Department of Engineering and Computer Science, Concordia University

Dr. Miao Song completed her first Bachelor’s degree in Performance Arts and Direction in China. While in China, she worked in the Central Television Station as a TV director and journalist. She obtained her second Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science, Concordia University, Montreal, Canada, and her Master’s of Computer Science degree, also at Concordia, focussing on interactive real-time softbody simulation. Miao Song completed the SIP PhD program with research involving a mix of interactive environments, cinema and documentaries, 3D computer graphics and realistic physical based simulation, and haptic responsive environments. Miao has been awarded with various scholarship, grants for her research work. Her film project has been screened at national and international film festivals. Miao defended her thesis with success in December 2012 and now is a part time faculty member at ENCS department at Concordia.
From Traditional to New Media Canadian Documentary Film
The title of my doctoral thesis is “Computer-Assisted Interactive Documentary and Performance Arts in Illimitable Space”. This interdisciplinary research work included three major facets: interactive documentary film studies, theatre performance, and computer graphics. One of the installation works, “Tangible Memories” transformed my award-winning personal documentary film “I Still Remember”, into a non-linear interactive audience-controlled piece using the new media technologies and devices.
The current research is an extension to my interdisciplinary doctoral research, specifically in interactive documentary aspect. It joins the disciplines of Information Technology and Human Computer Interaction, and documentary film studies. The focus of this research is to review the traditional Canadian documentary film with its historical context, interviews with prominent filmmakers, and how the genre evolved under the
influence of the new interactive digital technologies, such as various computing techniques, web, motion capture systems, haptic responsive environment, interactive media design, human-computer interfaces, stereoscopic virtual reality techniques, and the like. The resulting overview is to be published in a book reporting worldwide state of the documentary film. The secondary proposed aspect is an example installation of an interactive documentary produced based on the Illimitable Space System (ISS) from my doctoral thesis. The latter is the artistic creation tied to this research to supplement and illustrate the modern day documentary and HCI with the expanded and enhanced methodology.

Dance with me! My three dancers: Skeleton, Depth, and Color! from Miao Song 宋淼 on Vimeo.

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