Monday, April 22, 2013

the Optician: Measuring Your Own Pupillary Distance

the Optician: Measuring Your Own Pupillary Distance:

So you've hung out through my lecture and you want to know how to do it right. It's ridiculously simple. I don't know why no online opticals recommend this. I'm sure people simply assume a slick looking digital system like the one above is more accurate than any manual system, and are inspired with confidence in their cut-rate online supplier. But manual is simply the best for doing this on your own. Here it is:
  1. Wear your glasses. (Or any glasses if you don't have your own. Even just try on demo glasses at the mall if you are that bold.)
  2. Have a felt-tip maker handy.
  3. Focus on a single object in the far distance (anything farther than 20 feet works, but farther is better).
  4. Raise the marker to your right lens and precisely put a dot on it directly over the distant object.
  5. Repeat for your left eye. If done correctly, with both eyes open the two dots should overlap into a single dot over the distant object. If not repeat making the markings until they do form a single dot.
  6.  Measure the distance between the two dots on your lenses with a millimeter ruler.
  7. That's your distance PD.
  8. If you need a near PD for reading or computer glasses, just do the same procedure but focus instead on the object you will be looking at, either reading material or computer monitor.

I modified the method a bit: I used 8mm stick on dots and a pair of safety glasses. using a circle on the computer monitor, I placed the dots and then moved them with my fingernail until they had no discernible overlap while looking at the circle. Then I measured them with vernier calipers. Next used a streetlamp outside. For the near vision I got 61 and for distance I got 64. The website you said was the best was quite a bit out, just as you found (58/60). The distance reading was same as Zenni's ruler method and 1mm off what my spouse got using the calipers while I stared at the smoke detector. So the lesson I took away from this is I may have been OK with the distance prescription using the online directions and the printout ruler, but the PD for the readers would have been out by 3mm. One other thing you may want to mention to your readers, if you mark your lenses with a marker, make sure it's not a permanent marker !

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Multiple Excel Instances In Tasks

How to remove multiple Excel task icons when pressing Alt-Tab

So there is an option to disable this feature called "Ignore Other Applications" (under Options-> General). If you look at the help on this it basically shuts of DDE. What DDE basically does is when you click on a file it checks to see if Excel is already running and if it is, it passes the file to that already running instance. The problem with turning this switch on is the file mappings that are already installed assume DDE is on and things break. So when you shut that option off you suddenly start getting errors that Excel cannot find the

Open regedit, browse to HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Excel.Sheet.8\shell\Open Delete the ddeexec key, (or just rename it if you are worried - i just renamed it and it worked) Then click on the "command" key and replace the /e on the Default and command string in that key with "%1" Quotes around %1 are important. NO QUOTES MEANS NO WORKIE!!!! 

HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Excel.Sheet.8\shell\Open\command should look like this: (Default) REG_SZ "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office12\EXCEL.EXE" "%1 command REG_MULTI_SZ vUpAVX!!!!!!!!!MKKSkEXCELFiles>tW{~$4Q]c@II=l2xaTO5 "%1" 
Do the same for Excel.Sheet.12 Now Both .xls and .xlsx should open in new windows with no errors.


MS Office is breaking ALT-TAB :;wap2

Getting Excel MDI/SDI/Excel Instance to behave more logically :

Windows 7 - Cannot run multiple instances of excel using "Ignore other applications that use DDE" option :

CEIM - Les principales aides financières gouvernementales aux entreprises émergentes!

Petit-déjeuner conférence, 24 avril




Monsieur Denis Karegeya Coordonnateur en entrepreneuriat
Fondation du Maire - Montréal Inc. de demain
Monsieur Robert Déziel
Gestionnaire, Région du Québec,
Conseil de recherches en sciences naturelles et en génie du Canada

Monsieur Christian PerronDirecteur général
Société de développement économique Ville-Marie (SDEVM)
Société d’investissement jeunesse (SIJ)

Monsieur Paul De Rome Conseiller aux entreprises, Emploi-Québec

Monsieur Rémi La Barre Conseiller principal, Grand Montréal, Développement Économique Canada

Madame Violaine LacroixConseillère, Programme d’aide à la recherche industrielle (PARI)
Conseil national de recherches Canada

Monsieur Pierre des Lierres Directeur - développement des affaires, MITACS 
Madame Francine Michaud Directrice régionale, BPME, Travaux publics et services gouvernementaux Canada
Madame Annick Millette
Coordonnatrice en gestion des mesures fiscales
Investissement Québec


Cette séance d’information permettra aux entrepreneurs d’avoir une mise à jour sur les principaux programmes d’aides gouvernementales.


Date                                 Le mercredi 24 avril 2013, de 8h30 à 11h30

Lieu                                  20, rue Queen, 3e étage, Vieux-Montréal
                                         Stationnement payant au 75, rue Queen
Réservation obligatoire   Nicole Bigras     
                                         (514) 866-0575, poste 200
Événement gratuit open-source community-based tools for learning open-source community-based tools for learning:

UQAM | Portail Moodle :

A New Form of Crowdsourcing for Innovation: Problemsourcing

Fautes courantes - Fautes courantes - N'ayons plus peur des mots

Fautes courantes - Fautes courantes - N'ayons plus peur des mots: "

« Ne craignons pas d'être un peu
puristes, à bon escient du moins. »"

Questions de langue | Académie française

Questions de langue | Académie française:

clicGrammaire - Anglicismes et autres usages incorrects

clicGrammaire - Anglicismes et autres usages incorrects:

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Diamond model - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Diamond model - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia:

'via Blog this'

Diffusion of innovations - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Diffusion of innovations - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia:

'via Blog this'

Technological innovation system - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Technological innovation system - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia:

'via Blog this'



Le Conseil des Entreprises de Services Environnementaux (CESE) est une association représentant les intérêts des 600 entreprises québécoises en gestion des matières résiduelles, des matières dangereuses résiduelles, et du traitement des sols ainsi que les organisations associées à son développement commercial et technologique, incluant les fabricants et les services-conseils.

Par l'entremise de ces membres, le CESE a pour mission l'amélioration de la qualité de l'environnement en privilégiant des standards de performance élevés et un contexte d'affaires concurrentiel pour l'industrie québécoise des services environnementaux.

Spécialiste, Développement des affaires - Alberta, Ontario, C.-B. & Québec | Mitacs – Inspiring innovation in Canada

Spécialiste, Développement des affaires - Alberta, Ontario, C.-B. & Québec | Mitacs – Inspiring innovation in Canada: "Spécialiste" Dropcam HD Wi-Fi Wireless Video Monitoring Camera: Electronics Dropcam HD Wi-Fi Wireless Video Monitoring Camera: Electronics:

Mr Beams MB360 Wireless LED Spotlight with Motion Sensor and Photocell - Weatherproof - Battery Operated - 140 Lumens -

Mr Beams MB360 Wireless LED Spotlight with Motion Sensor and Photocell - Weatherproof - Battery Operated - 140 Lumens -

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Best Time To Send Email - Business Insider

Best Time To Send Email - Business Insider:

When is the best time to send emails? |

When is the best time to send emails? |

  • More people open email during the day than at night. You may find that changing the time that you send your emails will change your percentage of opens.
  • More emails are sent during the week than on weekends, with Tuesday and Thursday being the highest volume days. Changing which day you send your emails may improve your open and click rates
  • More links lead to more clicks. Placing a particular link in your content more than once may increase the number of clicks for that link.



Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Séances d'information publiques RS&DE

Bureau des services fiscaux de Québec:

Les séances d'information publiques sans frais présentent un aperçu général du programme et expliquent les critères d'admissibilité, les dépenses admissibles ainsi que la façon de remplir une demande de crédit d'impôt à l'investissement. Nos séances spécialisées quant à elles expliquent les critères d'admissibilité au programme de la recherche scientifique et développement expérimental (RS&DE) tels qu'ils s'appliquent à une industrie en particulier.

Monday, April 1, 2013

FAQ: Plex Media Server and NAS - Plex

FAQ: Plex Media Server and NAS - Plex:

'via Blog this'

Innovation Excellence | A New Form of Crowdsourcing for Innovation: Problemsourcing

Innovation Excellence | A New Form of Crowdsourcing for Innovation: Problemsourcing

Ticket to everywhere : Naturejobs

Ticket to everywhere : Naturejobs:

Academia might do well to look to the private sector for a model that broadens the soft skills of PhD holders and expands their prospects. Many businesses offer their executives short, intensive training programmes that stimulate their professional development in key areas such as leadership, innovation and management. Some companies develop internal schemes; others hire consultants or send their executives on week-long programmes at business schools (sometimes referred to as 'charm schools'). The goal is simple: to develop the capabilities of junior managers without costing a lot in terms of time, money or disruption to their jobs. These programmes also reflect an acknowledgement that a supervisor should not be the sole source of professional advice and mentoring.